Friday, April 1, 2011

May he worship like David

When we chose Ethan's name, believe it or not, we found it in the Bible - 1 Chronicles 15:19.  Ethan was a part of David's worship band and he played the bronze cymbals.  Peter and I both have a love for music and we prayed that God would give Ethan a talent for music as well.

While I was pregnant with Ethan, I was an elementary music teacher.  The students and I sang to him every day. When he was only one month old, he attended choir practices with us in preparation for the Christmas services.  Now at the age of 4, he gets up every Sunday morning and goes with Peter to practice with the worship team.  They've been so kind to give him his own bongos to play during practice - and from what I hear, he can keep a pretty good beat!

The other night, I put Ethan down to bed at 8:00 as usual.  Around 8:30, I began to hear a noise coming from his room.  I was ready to fuss at him for not going to sleep, but as I got closer to his door, I began to smile.  I heard him belting at the top of his lungs, "He loves us, oooh how He loves us, ooooh how He loves us..."

"On my bed, I remember YOU.  I think of YOU through the watches of the night."  Psalms 63:6

Thank You, Lord for his talent and his passion... May he always worship You.

Here he is playing Chapel with his buddy, Reagan.

Emmalee is Beautiful

I decided to get a haircut today... and I decided to bring Emmalee with me.  Emmie has such sweet curls, but there's one patch that seems to grow faster than the rest.  I thought a tiny trim might shape it up and make it prettier.  So I told Emmie that we were going to get our hair cut together.  She said to me, "No, Mommy... I don't need a haircut.  My Daddy combed my hair this morning and he said that my hair is beautiful."

And she's right!  She is beautiful just the way she is.  I pray that she will always know how beautiful she is to her daddy!  And as she grows, I pray that she understands how beautiful she is to her Father.  I pray that she will always be comfortable and never insecure and that people around her will never be able to make her think otherwise!  She is a very pretty girl!  And I'm so proud of her!